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Nitsa: NTO [live!] + Fardoe + NUUP

Sat. 25. May'24 23:59 Sala Apolo

Nitsa: NTO live! + Fardoe + NUUP

Nitsa in Barcelona - May 25, 2024

The evocative power of music, strong kicks and the unifying atmosphere of dancefloors: this is the triple focus that inspire NTO to create and produce music. With deep basses and lysergic harmonies, he filters different layers of his melodies to make them sparkle even more, just as if they emerged from the water after hitting rock bottom. Catch the melodic techno star playing live tomorrow at Nitsa, alongside captivating sets by local talents FARDOE and NUUP, hailing from the Netherlands and Mexico.


00:30 Doors

06:00 Ends



Nitsa: NTO [live!] + Fardoe + NUUP

Born in 1993, in the dawn of electronics, through its cabin have passed names as relevant as Aphex Twin, Todd Terry, Carl Craig, Kenny Larkin, SBTRKT or Ellen Allien in addition to the local DJ Fra, Marc Piñol and DJ Kosmos. Its counterweight, B-side, reverse and its alternative is Astin, where every night is the same... but totally different.

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Sala Apolo
La (2)