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Culto Caníbal
Culto Caníbal Wed. 20. Dec'23 20:00 La (2)


Concert of Sara Socas in Barcelona - 20th December 2023

In March 2023, rapper Sara Socas (Tegueste, Tenerife; 1997) announced her farewell to the world of competition, fed up with the toxicity inherent to the freestyle scene and excited at the dawn of her promising career as a singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.

Without letting go of the speed loop, Sara Socas presented “All Star”, the first single + video clip of what will be her debut album, with Acción Sánchez from SFDK on beat. A future as bright as it is promising in which her courage and talent make up the perfect hook to take the world urban music scene by KO.

Sara Socas burst onto the testosteronic world of MC battles in 2017 and has earned worldwide fame and respect in the competition world through bravery, talent and jabs.

She has been the winner of the Gold Battle BCN 2021, Champion of the Federation Cup in the National Final of the Battle of Masters 2021, international semifinalist of the Red Bull 2019 or Winner of the Girl Battle 2017, Femm Battle 2018 and the Battle of Azuqueca 2018.


20:00 Doors

21:00 Start

With the concert ticket you have access to the Caníbal session

Admission until 01:00h

Offer valid until full capacity is reached

Minor Entry

Children under 16 must be accompanied by their father, mother or legal guardian. Or , come accompanied by an adulto ver 18 years and submit signed by their parents the following consent form.


Culto Caníbal

Culto Caníbal is the cycle of concerts curated by Caníbal which reinforces its commitment to alternative, genuine and music from the roots. Its programme is nothing but a reflection of the music of the present and, at the same time, it is made up of artists who shy away from mainstream and rising trends, hypes or hits of the moment, and therefore worth of cult.

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La (2)