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The responsibility is everyone’s. Therefore, we ask that our public have a respectful attitude, and not discriminate based on origin, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation or religion.
Seeing the dance floor as a community is fundamental to make Apolo a venue where we feel comfortable. Therefore, taking care of yourself is as important as taking care of the people around you, respecting their personal space and privacy.
Please, when you come to the venue, be aware of the impact of your actions and always make sure you have the consent of the other person before starting any type of activity with them.
✔ If you suffer or witness a discriminatory or harassing situation, involve your friends or people you trust and do not hesitate to ask for help and report it to the venue's staff.
✔ To report an incident or receive information, you can also go to the LGTBIQ+ and feminist Safe Space stand on our club sessions from Wednesday to Sunday managed by professionals from l'Observatori contra la LGTBIfòbia
We will activate the anti-aggression protocol to carry out prevention and actions for this type of cases. In order to be able to offer help focused on your specific needs, explain what has happened, what is your condition and anything that you think or suspect may have led you to be like this.
✔ If you require medical help or feel unwell, Apolo has a first aid room. Please contact our staff (security, waiters, cleaning staff, etc.) and they will accompany you to the infirmary where the professionals will attend to your case.
The venue will not tolerate any type of sexism, LGTBI-phobia, racism, classism, or misogyny and reserves the right to refuse admission in the event that any of these behaviours are detected.
✔ Our protocol of action against aggressions and sexual harassment is “No Callem”, set out by the Barcelona City Council, of which more than 40 other venues and festivals in the city are already part.
✔ With the aim of working on actions in favour of the rights and freedoms of the LGTBI community and to advance in the construction of a friendly space, we collaborate with the Observatori contra la LGTBIfòbia in instructing our staff, as well as in the care of any person who may suffer an incident inside the venue.
Since December 2022, we have a LGTBIQ+ and feminist Safe Space stand on our club sessions from Wednesday to Sunday managed by Observatori's professionals to attend and raise awareness about tolerance, respect, and equality. There you can also report any incident or receive information.
✔ You can also contact us through a specific e-mail address provided for these cases, so that we can learn from them and adapt the policies of the venue accordingly. Write us at: respecte@sala-apolo.com. Your experiences are a valuable tool to keep working and make Apolo the venue we all want.
Whether you decide to report the situation or not, you have the right to receive help and psychological and medical care to deal with the aggression you have suffered in the way you choose. Don’t feel guilty. Talk about it with close people and seek professional support if you need it.
If you are in an irregular administrative situation, you also have the right to free access to emergency health services, to an interpreter and also, if you decide, to report it.
● Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (emergency service): 932 275 400 - extention 2137
● Medical Emergencies: 112
● Hotline against male violence to women: 900 900 120
● AADAS (Associació Assistència a Dones Agredides Sexualment): 93 487 57 60
● PIAD (Information and Attention to Women): 900 922 357
● Observatori Contra l’Homofòbia: 93 217 26 69
● SOS Racisme SAID (Servei d’Atenció i Denúncia): 93 301 05 97