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Mishima | Concert de Nadal 2023

Thu. 21. Dec'23 20:00 Sala Apolo

Mishima | Concert de Nadal 2023

Concert of Mishima in Barcelona - 21rst December 2023

Fully consolidated throughout the country, Mishima's Nadal Concert returns to its classic sanctuary: Sala Apolo. 

With their latest album, "L'aigua Clara" (TRIS, 2022), unanimously recognized as one of their career’s peacks, David Carabén (vocals and guitar), Marc Lloret (keyboards), Dani Vega (guitar), Xavi Caparrós (bass ) and Alfons Serra (drums) - nowadays with Bernat Sánchez (keyboards) - are still in top shape to enjoy a tradition that not even the pandemic could interrupt.

A tradition that was born more than a decade ago and that ratifies its commitment to rock venues, a key circuit in their history. Clearer than water: there is no Christmas without a Mishima gig.

Photo: Xavi Torrent

Guest artist: Ölivias


20:00 Doors

20:30 Ölivias

21:15 Mishima

Minor Entry

Children under 16 must be accompanied by their father, mother or legal guardian. Or , come accompanied by an adulto ver 18 years and submit signed by their parents the following consent form.



Mishima | Concert de Nadal 2023