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NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: JJ + Kanti + Dj Air

Wed. 03. Jul'24 23:59 La (2)

NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: JJ + Kanti + Dj Air

NALGAS in Barcelona - 3rd July, 2024

First date of July where we bring our resident DJ DJ AIR along with JJ, DJ and emerging singer resident of Barcelona, ​​who are part of the Cutemobb collective who will bring varied sounds from the current urban scene.

We have a guest from Barcelona named Kanti who brings us Brazilian sounds that include funk dance and carioca funk.


00:00 Doors

05:00 End



NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: JJ + Kanti + Dj Air

Nalgas Club llega a La (2) de Apolo para romper tabúes y estereotipos, huyendo de las etiquetas y abrazando movimientos innovadores y primerizos.

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00:00 - 05:00

La (2)
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1st Release
12,00 Administration fees
2nd Release
15,00 Administration fees
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18,00 Administration fees
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