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NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: Nadddot + Sanchez by Bexnil + Mia Flaw

Wed. 17. Jul'24 23:59 La (2)

NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: Nadddot + Sanchez by Bexnil + Mia Flaw

NALGAS in Barcelona - 17th July, 2024

Tonight NALGAS turns into an underground club with accelerated BPMs led by our residents BEXNIL and MIAFLAW with electronic sounds like latin core, neo-guaracha, hard-tech and hard grove.

And a special debut by NADDDOT, the producer from Murcia who has worked with artists like Leïti or Mvrk.


00:00 Doors

05:00 End



NALGAS Club | Summer Edition: Nadddot + Sanchez by Bexnil + Mia Flaw

Nalgas Club llega a La (2) de Apolo para romper tabúes y estereotipos, huyendo de las etiquetas y abrazando movimientos innovadores y primerizos.

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00:00 - 05:00

La (2)
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