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Nitsa: John Talabot all night long

Sat. 16. Dec'23 23:59 Sala Apolo

Nitsa: John Talabot all night long

Nitsa: John Talabot all night long in Barcelona - December 16, 2023

Abraza la tradición: John Talabot, nuestro DJ y productor más venerado internacionalmente, vuelve a casa por Navidad. Este sábado, el héroe barcelonés al frente de Hivern Discs regresa a Nitsa para deleitar a familia y amigxs con una de sus legendarias sesiones que duran toda la noche y se recuerdan toda la vida.


00:30 Doors

06:00 Ends



Nitsa: John Talabot all night long

Born in 1993, in the dawn of electronics, through its cabin have passed names as relevant as Aphex Twin, Todd Terry, Carl Craig, Kenny Larkin, SBTRKT or Ellen Allien in addition to the local DJ Fra, Marc Piñol and DJ Kosmos. Its counterweight, B-side, reverse and its alternative is Astin, where every night is the same... but totally different.

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