Astin: Festival Seco | Cecilio G [live!] + Shy Girl [live!] + Brat Star + Ikram Bouloum | Sala Apolo

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Astin: Festival Seco | Cecilio G [live!] + Shy Girl [live!] + Brat Star + Ikram  Bouloum

Sat. 11. May'19 00:30 La (2)

Astin: Festival Seco | Cecilio G live! + Shy Girl live! + Brat Star + Ikram Bouloum

Astin: Festival Seco | Cecilio G [live!] + Shy Girl [live!] + Brat Star + Ikram Bouloum

Segunda velada de Festival SECO en el club, una noche en la que recibimos a Cecilio G, un tipo que gracias a rotundos temas como “Million Dollar Baby” está viviendo posiblemente su momento más álgido. Desde South London llega Shygirl, dj y cantante que solo hace que crecer a cada paso que da. La canadiense residente en Berlin Brat Star, dj de directo de Yung Beef, nos ofrecerá una sesión a buen seguro variada y llena de sus referentes: urban, techno, trance y experimentaciones.


00:30 Doors opening



Astin: Festival Seco | Cecilio G [live!] + Shy Girl [live!] + Brat Star + Ikram  Bouloum

Astin is the same as Nitsa but... totally different. It is a counterweight, its B side, its reverse and its alternative. The predominant stylistic line is based on house and disco music, although the club also dive into the newest music currents hosting nights that are dedicated to trap or dancehall, sponsored by assets of the scene such as Yung Beef or Club Marabú.

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La (2)