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Dj Krush

Fri. 19. Jul'24 20:00 La (2)

Dj Krush

Dj Krush in Barcelona - 19th July 2024

ONDA Beats Presents: DJ KRUSH (Japan), sound creator and DJ. His talent in song selection and mixing as well as in sound production are highly applauded internationally. Influenced by film “Wild Style”, he entered the world of Hip hop DJ in the early the eighties. In 1992, he began his solo activities and gained attention as the first DJ to adroitly manipulate the turntable as an instrument. In 1994, he released his first album ‘KRUSH’ and since then, he has released 12 solo albums, 1 mix album, and 2 self-remix albums. Over the course of 30 years or so, he has actively performed DJ sets both domestically and internationally, partaking in various music festivals worldwide, including the UK’s largest music festival, Glastonbury, as well as Coachella (USA), Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland), Sonar (Spain), Roskilde (Denmark), and more than 200 other various music festivals. As an internationally acclaimed artists with a wide range of talents, DJ KRUSH continues to leave his unique trajectories on the world stage. 

Guest Artist: Fonki Cheff


20:00 Doors (TBC)

Minor Entry

Children under 16 must be accompanied by their father, mother or legal guardian. Or , come accompanied by an adulto ver 18 years and submit signed by their parents the following consent form.


Dj Krush
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25,00 Administration fees
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